Author: Staff Writer

  • Matt Ridley

    Matt Ridley

    Photo: Malcom Griffiths

    The Importance of Innovation

    Matt Ridley, who is a member of the U.K. Parliament’s upper house, ended his presentation by saying the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping, of which he is a member, had recently urged the U.K. government to attend this year’s Conference of the Parties to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and, while there, use its relatively independent post-Brexit voice to argue strongly against the e-cigarette prohibitionists and in favor of scientific evidence and the harm reduction argument. “I don’t know whether we will be listened to by the U.K. government on this, but we are going to try and get this point across because I think it’s … it’s a moral one, and I think we have a duty to try to win the point,” he said.

    This will have gone down well with many of the conference participants, who will have agreed with Ridley’s earlier comment that the WHO’s war on vaping was “positively unhinged” and flew in the face of evidence that it reduced smoking. And here he illustrated his point by quoting Chris Snowden of the Institute of Economic Affairs as saying the WHO had doubled down on its hostility to vaping even as real-world evidence continued to show smoking rates declining as vaping rates increased.

    Ridley’s was the first keynote presentation of the event, and, while it did not contain much else that was new, it ran through most of the underlying issues causing concern to the vaping industry, and it did so with panache. He covered, among other subjects, the assessment of relative risk and its relationship with the concept of harm reduction, innovation and the main ideas that motivated some people, including some public health professionals and politicians, to want to ban the technology underpinning vaping.

    The first motivation, he said, was down to the inappropriate application of the precautionary principle in answer to the question, “What if this technology turns out to have unknown risks?” While that question was valid, he added, in the case of vaping, the answer was that it would be better to take the small risk that there were unknown hazards than the known risks that there were large hazards. The second motivation was a general hatred of all things related to nicotine, which was deeply ingrained in the culture and underlined by the involvement of tobacco companies in the vaping industry.

    The third motivation was self-interest. The pharmaceutical industry had a nice little earner called nicotine-replacement therapy, and since its patches and gums didn’t work very well, the market for them remained limitless. And the fourth motivation was simply down to the urge to ban. Some people loved to disapprove, and they were able to come up with all sorts of specious arguments about why they disliked e-cigarettes and why, therefore, they should be banned.

    Ridley, an author whose books have sold more than a million copies and been translated into 31 languages, added to his output in 2020 with the publication of How Innovation Works, and part of his presentation looked at the way in which innovative products often initially meet with considerable opposition. Margarine, he said, had been opposed by dairy producers, refrigerators by natural ice suppliers, tractors by the people who went under the name of the Horse Association, umbrellas by hansom cab drivers, coffee by vintners and the telephone by what sounded like an old curmudgeon worried that this then-new contraption would destroy private life if it were not restricted. (Of course, with most of us now suffering daily from the debilitating effects of vacuous, secondhand mobile conversations, it might be worthwhile revisiting the old curmudgeon’s complaint.)

    The audience, I think, will have been struck by two things in relation to these examples. One, obviously, is that they are all from the distant past. The other is that whereas nearly all of them involve people trying to protect their self-interests, those self-interests comprised their livelihoods and none of their actions threatened to cause direct harm to others. So while the opposition to these products and services can be likened to the opposition to vaping, there is an important difference because unjustified opposition to vaping does directly threaten the well-being of others: current smokers.

    Given that this session report starts with Ridley’s last words, it might be appropriate if it ends with his first words: a gentle plug for his latest book. It had been co-authored by a brilliant molecular biologist at Harvard, Alina Chan, he said, and it was called Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19. “You can buy it in all good bookstores from the middle of November,” he added helpfully.

  • Stefan Bomhard

    Stefan Bomhard

    Photo: Malcom Griffiths

    Putting consumers first

    Across all industries, the Covid-19 pandemic has been one disruptive force, which drove government intervention, accelerated consumer trends and, as a result, spurred further innovation. The tobacco and nicotine industry, which finds itself in a period of rapid change, has been no exception: Controversial policy led to bans on combustible cigarettes as seen in South Africa, but at the same time, growing health consciousness has led to an increased interest in reduced-risk alternatives.

    Stefan Bomhard, who previously worked in the alcohol industry and joined Imperial Brands as CEO in July 2020 from Inchcape, a global distribution and retail leader in the premium and luxury automotive sectors, shared his views on the longer term transformation of the tobacco and nicotine industry, looking at how stakeholders could collectively be best at making a reality of a healthier future. He observed parallels between the vaping sector and the automotive industry, where manufacturing for many years had been seeking to improve the efficiency of the 160-year-old technology of the combustible engine. “Then climate change became the climate crisis, and the e-engine meant a complete turnaround,” he said.

    Innovation, Bomhard emphasized, can happen only if supported by private sector efforts. As regulation of reduced-risk products (RRPs) edges toward prohibition, unintended consequences such as illicit trade arise. “The industry has to step up and present continuously better choices for consumers,” Bomhard said. “Smokers need to be perceived as informed people who want to make informed choices. There is no single route to tobacco harm reduction, but a billion individual paths.”

    Imperial Brands, which in the past 25 years developed from a domestic player into an international player, sees its role in this development in delivering a better experience for consumers. “From my experience, small players can flourish with the right mindset,” he said.

    While keen to transform the tobacco industry, Bomhard insisted Imperial Brands remains 100 percent committed to combustible cigarettes. “They are the core business for building a harm-reduced company, as they finance the investments in tobacco harm reduction,” he noted.

    To transform Imperial Brands, he explained, additional capacities have been built, including increased research of consumers’ needs. The company hired its first consumer product officer earlier this year. Products will be improved based on the findings of consumer studies. At this point in time, consumers have chosen heated-tobacco products over vaping, according to Bomhard, so Imperial Brands focuses on offering products in that segment.

    Furthermore, a number of new executives have joined Imperial Brands, bringing in new capabilities and contributing to the development of a new, more innovation-headed mindset in the organization. The focus is on the question of how employees can play a practical role in driving innovation, Bomhard pointed out.

    In addition to harm reduction, he went on, the industry had other important challenges, inclusive of supporting better lives for farming communities, transitioning to a lower carbon business model and reducing waste. “The future of the industry will without doubt have twists and turns,” he said. “For me, having enjoyed a career in a variety of fast-moving industries, each one of them facing major structural changes, the year with Imperial has enforced my first impression that right now, there is no more dynamic sector than tobacco and nicotine.”

  • ‘Vuse Authorization a Positive for Harm Reduction’

    ‘Vuse Authorization a Positive for Harm Reduction’

    Photo: R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co.

    More governments need to follow the science.

    By Derek Yach

    The evidence is in. For the first time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized the marketing of an e-cigarette in the country because it determined the help it offers adult smokers outweighs the attraction such products may hold for youth.

    The decision to allow the sale of British American Tobacco’s Vuse Solo closed electronic nicotine-delivery system, along with three tobacco-flavored cartridges, marks the third time in less than two years that the agency, despite vociferous, emotion-driven opposition from politicians and interest groups, has used peer-reviewed scientific evidence to approve tobacco harm reduction (THR) products.

    With this latest move, the FDA has signaled a distinct turn in the oft-contentious debate surrounding e-cigarettes, in which opponents claim little is known about what toxic chemicals they contain and that the tobacco industry has a terrible track record when it comes to being forthcoming about its products.

    That was not the case here, indicated Mitch Zeller, the director of the agency’s Center for Tobacco Products. “Today’s authorizations are an important step toward ensuring all new tobacco products undergo the FDA’s robust scientific premarket evaluation,” he said in a statement. “The manufacturer’s data demonstrates its tobacco-flavored products could benefit adult smokers who switch to these products—either completely or with a significant reduction in cigarette consumption—by reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals.”

    We have said it before, and we’ll continue to say it again (and again and again) in the face of all this misinformed vitriol and distrust: THR products are effective tools to help smokers lessen their risk of developing diseases such as lung cancer and COPD. So says one study after the next, including a recent measured, sober look at the risks and benefits of e-cigarettes that is signed by no less than 15 former presidents of the Society for Research into Nicotine and Tobacco, a leading international proponent of evidence-based science.

    The key word here is “evidence.” Although e-cigarettes are not risk-free, they have been found to be up to 95 percent less harmful than combustible cigarettes because they contain no tar and significantly fewer chemicals that make up the toxic stew of smoke in combustible cigarettes.

    Evidence, carefully compiled, weighed and debated, is how the FDA reached its earlier decisions to provisionally authorize the sale of Swedish Match’s snus and Philip Morris International’s IQOS heat-not-burn sticks as modified-risk tobacco products (MRTPs), subject to regular review. And “evidence” is how it made its first decision to approve the marketing of Vuse.

    It reached its decision through dispassionate, rigorous diligence—a risk-proportionate, microscopic gauging of the potential harm e-cigarettes pose for young people versus their potential therapeutic uses for adults who smoke combustible cigarettes and would like a less damaging alternative. Indeed, the FDA’s approval process is so thorough, it is accepted as the international gold standard for vaccines, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. As Adam I. Muchmore, a Pennsylvania State University law professor, explained last month [August] in an interview with Newsweek about the wait for Covid-19 vaccine approval, “There are a lot of ‘i’s’ to be dotted and ‘t’s’ to be crossed, and these are not simple bureaucratic requirements. Both producing this data, and reviewing it, requires the work of multiple experts in a wide range of scientific fields.”

    We hope the FDA will continue to use scientific evidence to approve the sale of menthol-flavored e-cigarettes so that combustible menthol cigarette users, among them the majority of African-American smokers, also have the opportunity to reduce their health risk. And we hope it will consider that nicotine-replacement therapy gums and sprays are already marketed in menthol and other flavors, all to help smokers quit.

    One does not need to look far to see the effects of FDA decisions: Following its full approval last August of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine, a “tidal wave” of people were expected to line up for their jabs, spurred by employers and businesses that have been waiting for the green light and at least some doubters who needed more reassurance it is safe.

    And the National Institutes of Health’s Anthony Fauci aptly summed up the FDA’s influence in a comment earlier this year about its approval for Aimmune Therapeutics’ Palforzia, the first drug to treat peanut allergy for children. “Science is showing us the path to a future in which new therapeutic options may provide both solutions as well as peace of mind that individuals with food allergies and their families deserve,” he said.

    Those words could well apply to the field of THR too, although the FDA’s policy of placing the onus solely on individual companies to prove they contribute to public health (to wit, the 2.3 million pages of evidence PMI submitted on behalf of its IQOS application) has already left some smaller, streamlined companies out in the cold.

    That said,  governments in lower and middle income countries (LMICs), where the vast majority of the world’s 1.14 billion smokers live, would do well to study all three of the FDA decisions regarding THR products as they work to strengthen their own national research and regulatory capabilities and to take note of the careful steps the agency continues to take as it examines the applications of other companies that manufacture e-cigarettes, including Juul.

    These governments and their public health authorities need to review the statistics from places such as the United Kingdom, which has supported e-cigarette use as an effective way to lessen health risks and even quit combustible smoking altogether. Or, conversely, they could take two minutes and 42 seconds to watch a graphic Public Health England demonstration of the viscous, oozing, sticky dark brown residue left in the lungs from the smoke from 16 packages of cigarettes over the period of one month compared to the barely discernible trace of vapor left by the equivalent number of e-cigarettes over the same period.

    Right now, a huge gap exists between research output in tobacco control by a few developed countries and LMICs, and when it comes to reduced-risk products, the gap is even greater, a reflection of both the lack of support for homegrown scientific research and a concomitant reliance on advanced industrialized countries for regulatory scientific advice and support. The Foundation is committed to playing its role in closing this gap to allow LMICs to have the scientists able to fully inform their policymakers about the potential benefits of THR.

    There appears to be no interest in tobacco harm reduction as a principle or a tendency to unquestioningly accept the warnings by bodies such as the World Health Organization, which itself is mired in a past overtaken by technological advancements and sounds like the proverbial Greek chorus as it points to the lack of long-term testing and the perils such products pose to youth.

    The most extreme example of this governmental attitude is in India, where, despite 1.3 million people dying each year from tobacco-related diseases, e-cigarettes were banned in haste by the government, which was urged to do so by The Union, a Bloomberg-funded NGO based in Paris that recommends such extreme measures for LMICs on the supposed grounds that youth in these countries are particularly vulnerable. In turn, this has led to a burgeoning black market that prices these products out of reach of many of the disadvantaged communities who could use them most.

    The fact is, the most favored tobacco control measure in India is tax increases, which only serves to exacerbate the difference between the rich and the poor, for the latter group must turn to cheaper, even more dangerous products such as bidis, thin cigarettes composed of unprocessed tobacco that are hand-rolled in leaves and contain higher concentrations of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide than conventional cigarettes sold in the United States.

    In Indonesia, where more than a quarter of the population smokes, including 19.4 percent of young people between the ages of 13 to 15, the local—and significantly cheaper—cigarette of choice is the unfiltered kretek, made from a blend of tobacco, cloves and other additives. Yet, there is little government oversight, with children even exposed to lengthy tobacco advertisements before blockbuster Hollywood films.

    Still, the WHO refuses to apply the consequences of harm reduction always being part of the definition of tobacco control in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. A good start would be for the WHO to consider recent peer-reviewed research by leading scientists that underpins the FDA submission and not reject it simply because it has been funded by the tobacco industry. In its Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic—2021, it does not waver from its position, stating that new and emerging products simply chart a “new threat to tobacco control.”

    “As they emerge and rapidly evolve, these products can be difficult to characterize and therefore bring with them many regulatory challenges,” it states. “At the same time, the tobacco and related industries behind these newer products pedal misinformation campaigns, marketing them as ‘clean,’ ‘smoke-free’ or ‘safer,’ and claim they are effective cessation aids. By doing so, these industries attempt to appear part of the solution to the tobacco epidemic as opposed to instigators and perpetrators of the epidemic.”

    How disheartening! Yes, the tobacco industry has acted unconscionably in the past, lying about the toxicity of cigarettes and shamelessly professing its primordial dedication to the health and welfare of smokers. But, to paraphrase the old saying, change—real change—starts from within. We are seeing signs of that in the tobacco industry, with the results recognized by the FDA, leading health experts and authorities in countries such as the U.K.  

    It is time for all of us to move on—together.

    To stop treating all nicotine products as the same.

    To acknowledge that we all have a stake in people’s health and well-being and in a healthy future for our children, their children and for generations to come.

    And to start saving up to 4 million lives a year in the interim as the battle—our battle—continues to eradicate combustible tobacco for good.

  • ‘African Americans Bear Brunt of Menthol’

    ‘African Americans Bear Brunt of Menthol’

    Photo: New Africa

    African Americans represent 12 percent of the U.S. population but carried 41 percent of all menthol smoking-related premature deaths in the United States between 1980 and 2018, according to a new study researchers believe is the first to quantify the impact menthol cigarettes have had in Black communities across the country.

    “It is well known that tobacco companies, in the 1960s and 1970s, targeted menthol cigarettes to African American communities, and menthol cigarettes became ubiquitous in those communities,” said David Mendez, lead author of the study and an associate professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

    Menthol cigarettes were responsible for 1.5 million new smokers, 157,000 smoking-related premature deaths and 1.5 million life-years lost among African Americans between 1980 and 2018, according to the study. Relative to the general population, these figures represent, respectively, 15 percent, 41 percent and 50 percent of the total damage caused by menthol cigarettes during that period, despite African Americans constituting only 12 percent of the total U.S. population.

    For their analysis, published in Tobacco Control, researchers utilized a simulation model they had developed for a population-wide study published earlier this year. They also used data from the National Health Interview Survey to feed the model with information specific to the African American community.

    “Half of the life-years lost during this period due to menthol smoking occurred among African Americans, and our study results are likely to be conservative,” said study co-author Thuy Le. “Menthol cigarettes are an important contributor to health disparities in this country, and removing menthol cigarettes from the market will save thousands of lives, particularly among African Americans.”

  • BAT to Pull Out of Myanmar

    BAT to Pull Out of Myanmar

    Photo: Taco Tuinstra

    British American Tobacco will withdraw from Myanmar by the end of this year, reports The Daily Star.

    Responding to a query from Reuters about the status of its operations in the Southeast Asian country, the company said the decision was taken having assessed the long-term viability of its Myanmar business.

    “Like any global company, we continuously evaluate our operations around the world,” the company said.

    “Having evaluated the long-term operational and commercial viability of our business in Myanmar, we have taken the decision to withdraw from the country and cease all operations.”

    BAT did not provide a specific reason for its decision.

    Other Western companies have left Myanmar in the wake of February’s coup, which has left the nation in turmoil. The country’s economy is now in dire straits, with the kyat currency losing more than 60 percent of its value last month, pushing up food and fuel costs. The World Bank has forecast an 18 percent contraction in gross domestic product this year.

    BAT started operating in Myanmar in 2013, two years after a quasi-civilian government embarked on sweeping reforms to lure investors.

  • FDA OKs Tobacco-Flavored Vuse Solo

    FDA OKs Tobacco-Flavored Vuse Solo

    Photo: R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued marketing orders to R.J. Reynolds (RJR) Vapor Co. for its Vuse Solo closed electronic nicotine-delivery system (ENDS) device and accompanying tobacco-flavored e-liquid pods.

    The orders allow RJR to legally sell its Vuse Solo Power Unit, Vuse Replacement Cartridge Original 4.8 percent G1 and Vuse Replacement Cartridge Original 4.8 percent G2 in the United States. This marks the first set of ENDS products ever to be authorized by the FDA through the premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) pathway.

    “Today’s authorizations are an important step toward ensuring all new tobacco products undergo the FDA’s robust scientific premarket evaluation,” said Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, in a statement. “The manufacturer’s data demonstrates its tobacco-flavored products could benefit addicted adult smokers who switch to these products—either completely or with a significant reduction in cigarette consumption—by reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals.”

    Zeller said the FDA would monitor the marketing of the products, including whether the company fails to comply with any regulatory requirements or if credible evidence emerges of significant use by individuals who did not previously use a tobacco product, including youth. “We will take action as appropriate, including withdrawing the authorization,” said Zeller.

    The manufacturer’s data demonstrates its tobacco-flavored products could benefit addicted adult smokers who switch to these products—either completely or with a significant reduction in cigarette consumption—by reducing their exposure to harmful chemicals.

    Under the PMTA pathway, manufacturers must demonstrate to the agency that, among other things, marketing of the new tobacco product would be appropriate for the protection of the public health. The FDA found RJR’s products to meet this standard because, among several key considerations, the agency determined that study participants who used only the authorized products were exposed to fewer harmful and potentially harmful constituents from aerosols compared to users of combusted cigarettes.

    The toxicological assessment also found the authorized products’ aerosols are significantly less toxic than combusted cigarettes based on available data comparisons and results of nonclinical studies.

    Additionally, the FDA considered the risks and benefits to the population as a whole, including users and nonusers of tobacco products, and, importantly, youth. This included review of available data on the likelihood of use of the product by young people. For these products, the FDA determined that the potential benefit to smokers who switch completely or significantly reduce their cigarette use would outweigh the risk to youth, provided the applicant follows post-marketing requirements aimed at reducing youth exposure and access to the products.

    While authorizing the marketing of tobacco-flavored Vuse Solo e-liquid pods, the FDA issued 10 marketing denial orders (MDOs) for flavored ENDS products submitted under the Vuse Solo brand by RJR. Due to potential confidential commercial information issues, the FDA is not publicly disclosing the specific flavored products. These products subject to an MDO for a premarket application may not be introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce.

    The agency is still evaluating the company’s application for menthol-flavored products under the Vuse Solo brand. 

    BAT welcomed the marketing orders. “We are pleased that, today, Vuse Solo received the first of its kind U.S. Food and Drug Administration marketing authorization for vapor products, authorizing the sale of our U.S. subsidiary Reynold’s Vuse Solo product in Original flavor,” the company wrote in a statement following the FDA announcement. “FDA’s orders confirm that Vuse Solo products are appropriate for the protection of the public health, underscoring years of scientific study and research dedicated to ensuring that adult nicotine consumers aged 21-plus have access to innovative and potentially less harmful alternatives to traditional tobacco products.”

    The company said it was studying the MDOs for five flavors currently not on the market.

    FDA has turned its back on the public health by approving a high-nicotine e-cigarette.

    Anti-tobacco activists expressed disappointment with the FDA’s decision. “While it is a positive step that FDA denied applications for 10 flavored Vuse e-cigarettes, it is concerning that a product that has three times the nicotine concentration as legally permitted in Canada, the U.K. and Europe was authorized,” wrote Matthew Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, on the organization’s website. “Vuse products with this level of nicotine leave our nation’s youth at an undue risk of addiction.”

    “FDA has turned its back on the public health by approving a high-nicotine e-cigarette,” said Raja Krishnamoorthi, chairman of the House Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy. “Many countries around the world have capped the amount of nicotine allowed in e-cigarettes, which allowed them to avoid a youth vaping epidemic.”

  • Feelm Recognized for Design

    Feelm Recognized for Design

    Illustration: Smoore

    Smoore’s flagship brand, Feelm, has received a gold award in the product design category of 2021 Muse Design Awards for its ultra-slim disposable vape with ceramic coil, TA15. Feelm is the only brand winning a 2021 Muse Design Award in the atomization field. The Muse Design Awards are an international competition for designers whose craftsmanship leads to paradigm shifts.

    As the world’s first disposable ultra-slim pod product equipped with a ceramic coil, TA15 marks the opening of a new ceramic era of disposable vapes, according to Smoore. The Feelm atomization coil inside TA15 guarantees low power consumption, a stronger vapor and a stable vaping experience. Despite its ultra-slim body, TA15 offers over 300 puffs.

    Moreover, TA15 adopts an anti-condensation structure to control the dynamic condition of e-liquid, minimizing leakage and offering a premium user experience.

    The slightly arced surface wraps the inner structure compactly, forming a 7.5 mm thin body. The vertically textured surface makes it comfortable to hold and resists fingerprints. The raised part of TA15 prevents the mouthpiece from contact with desks and other surfaces for hygiene. It also features a concealed air inlet.

    Meanwhile, the highlighted “pixel block” is actually a metal sticker, which changes color with flavors and supports customization.

    By virtue of unique design and innovation technology, this product has effectively solved the industry’s pain point of leakage without a silicone plug, according to Smoore. Thanks to a breakthrough in materials and structural science, there’s no burnt taste, offering more delicate vapor and purer taste.

    “I always put users first and attempt to deeply understand and explore their potential needs,” said Qing Ling, ID Designer of TA15, in a statement. “Driven by design thinking, we combine practicability and minimalism, highlighting the performance of our ceramic coil while making other parts as thin as possible.”

    The Muse Design Awards are a part of the Muse Awards Program, which was created by the International Awards Associate (IAA) in 2015. IAA aims to honor, promote and encourage creativity by providing a new standard of excellence for evaluating media design production and distribution.

  • Zanoprima Producing Synthetic Nicotine

    Zanoprima Producing Synthetic Nicotine

    Image: Zanoprima Lifesciences

    Zanoprima Lifesciences has announced the commercial production of its SyNic brand of synthetic (S)-nicotine. SyNic is produced using a patented process that does not involve the use of tobacco or any synthetic racemic mixture. The company says its high purity (typically 99.9 percent), synthetic (S)-nicotine is free of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), toxins, carcinogens, odor and harsh taste.

    “This is a landmark development for the trillion-dollar tobacco industry and its 1.3 billion consumers as it heralds the arrival of a superior, substantially lower risk, cost-effective and greener alternative to a global industry that is arguably the single biggest avoidable cause of death globally,” the company stated in a press release.

    “SyNic Protonated (S)-Nicotine e-liquid for e-cigarettes is without any potentially harmful ingredients, such as organic acids and propylene glycol. It is pure, stable and has a long shelf life. E-cigarettes that use SyNic offer a smooth taste and enhanced nicotine experience, a distinct advantage given the nicotine limit guidelines/rules in e-liquids in the EU and other geographies.”

    According to Zanoprima Lifesciences, SyNic (S)-nicotine conforms to and exceeds European Pharmacopeia and United States Pharmacopeia specifications. The company says that its “Green Chemistry” principles-compliant production process minimizes the environmental impacts of nicotine production.

    The product can be used for e-liquid, white snus and next-generation chewing gums and lozenges, according to Zanoprima Lifesciences. It is also appropriate for heated-tobacco products and transdermal patches for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

    Zanoprima owns patent applications or registration for its revolutionary manufacturing process in several countries, including the United States, Europe, Great Britain, Australia, China, India and others, according to the release.

    Synthetic nicotine has attracted much attention recently, especially in the United States. After the Food and Drug Administration started denying market access to electronic nicotine devices in September, some companies have started offering their products with synthetic nicotine rather than natural nicotine.

    The FDA defines a “tobacco product” as anything “made or derived from tobacco that is intended for human consumption, including any component, part or accessory of a tobacco product,” suggesting that synthetic nicotine remains outside its remit.

  • Post-Brexit U.K. Urged to Tout Vaping

    Post-Brexit U.K. Urged to Tout Vaping

    Photo: sea and sun

    David Jones, a former Welsh secretary and Brexit minister, has urged Britain to use its Brexit freedoms to tout the health benefits of e-cigarettes during the next summit on tobacco organized by the World Health Organization, reports The Express.

    The parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control are set to meet virtually in November to discuss tobacco control policies.

    Delegates will debate the success and failure of recent and ongoing tobacco control initiatives. They will discuss how best the world can be convinced to give up traditional cigarettes, and they will debate matters such as law enforcement’s involvement in the illicit tobacco trade.

    Both the WHO and the EU have taken a dim view of e-cigarettes, pushing for ever-tighter restrictions. The WHO has claimed on its website that there is growing evidence of risk from e-cigarettes.

    Britain has taken a pragmatic approach to the category, allowing vapor products to remain on the market within a comparatively light regulatory framework.

    “Unlike previous COPs [Conference of the Parties], the U.K. does not have to join the EU’s position,” said Jones. “We are not bound by Brussels; we are independent and free to back the science, back Public Health England and back our own health experts over the WHO.

    “We must not fall into bad habits and simply join the EU position because it would be the easy thing to do. Brexit meant control over our own policies. This is our chance to show the electorate what that means in reality. We must use our freedom to save lives.”

    There are concerns, however, that the WHO will not recognize the U.K. as an independent voice at its summit. Instead, it may defer to the EU as the voice for the European region.

  • Study: Kreteks Emit More Particulate Matter

    Study: Kreteks Emit More Particulate Matter

    Photo: Bruno R.B S.

    Kretek cigarettes emit significantly higher levels of particulate matter (PM) than conventional cigarettes, according to a new study published by the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.

    Kretek clove cigarettes, which are popular in Indonesia, contain more tar and nicotine than regular cigarettes, but little is known about PM emissions.

    To learn more, the researchers generated secondhand smoke in a closed measuring chamber. They then measured PM fractions (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) of three popular kretek brands (two king-sized and one slim-sized) in comparison to conventional cigarettes and a reference cigarette by laser aerosol spectroscopy in real time.

    The king-sized kreteks reached PM10 and PM2.5 mean concentrations of up to about 3000 µg/m³, and PM1 mean concentrations of up to about 2700 µg/m³. Consequently, these kreteks emitted up to about 100 percent more PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, 84 percent more PM1 than the reference cigarette; and up to about 260 percent more PM10 and PM2.5, respectively, 234 percent more PM1 than the other investigated cigarettes.

    The researchers suggested that the declaration of PM data of kreteks and other tobacco products can play a key role in a more effective tobacco policy to reduce consumption of tobacco products.