The battle over India’s 85 percent tobacco-products health-warnings, which has been fought on and off since 2014, is due to be resumed in March.Read More
The threat of bigger graphic health warnings in South Korea is not causing too much concern among cigarette manufacturers. Smokers might feel otherwise.Read More
It will be interesting to see what will be depicted if, as suggested, South Korea requires ‘stronger pictorial warnings’ on heat-not-burn products.Read More
Molins PLC is considering changing its name to Mpac Group PLC, a name ‘aligned to its new strategic direction’. Read More
A poll on cigarette-pack graphic-warnings was weighted towards non-smokers. Even so, the adults in favor of increasing the size of such warnings only just outnumbered those against.Read More
India’s small-scale retailers believe that their bigger rivals are working with anti-tobacco activists to take their customers.Read More
The passage into law of India’s regulations requiring 85-percent tobacco-packaging warnings was convoluted, and now these warnings have been struck down by a court.Read More
If the EU had put as much effort into supporting lower-risk products as it has into its tobacco-products tracking-and-tracing system; the need for the latter would have melted away.Read More
Some people suggested that introducing standardized tobacco packaging would become easier as more countries did so. But that argument assumed that standardized packaging would work.Read More
One of the problems of trying to get to the truth of something is that it seems to be generally accepted that there are such things as ‘false facts’ – untruths that are truths.Read More
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