World Tobacco Middle East Dubai remains the premier tobacco trade show in the region.
TR staff report
World Tobacco Middle East Dubai (WTME) is one of the oldest and most successful tobacco trade shows still operating. This year, the 2023 event continued that storied success. Held Nov. 27–28, 2023, the event featured the latest trends, innovations and products from around the world, according to a report by Wingle Group Electronics, a data resource firm.
The exhibition was also accompanied by conferences where experts and industry leaders shared their knowledge and experience.
This year, more than 7,000 visitors and more than 250 exhibitors from more than 90 countries made the WTME 2023 one of the most popular in the event’s history. WTME is the flagship exhibition of the World Tobacco series, which annually gathers over 13,000 professionals.
WTME is “where the past meets the future, and innovation converges with tradition, facilitating a rich tapestry of discussions that will influence strategies, policies and the very essence of the tobacco industry. It serves as a platform where knowledge is not just shared but cultivated and refined through collaborative discourse,” Orchid Tobacco Dubai wrote in a blog post.
“This exhibition is not just about showing tobacco products,” the company added. “It’s like looking into the future. You can expect to see new and better ways of farming tobacco, the latest technology in making tobacco products and smarter ways to get these products to people.”
With new exhibitors from HTL Human Trust Lean, Khyber Tobacco Co., Multi Tabak, Ora Tobacco and Mind Spirit Designs and Works as well as returning companies such as Sopariwala, Kaane, ARD, Gulbahar and Premium Tobacco, WTME 2023 offered visitors an even wider range of products and services than previous years.
According to WTME attendees, WTME has helped to redefine industry standards, set new trends and shape practices in the tobacco industry. The gathering is not just about showcasing products; it’s a dynamic exchange of ideas and a catalyst for transformation.
Getmore Mangundu, managing director at Sub Sahara Tobacco, said WTME is a complete experience that goes beyond just doing business. “It’s been a very successful show for us; it has been quite an exciting time,” she told Quartz Media representatives. “We’ve managed to catch up with our old clients but also managed to meet some new clients in this [industry] from all over [the world].”
One of the best attributes of WTME is that the show is a place where the old meets the new, where innovation meets tradition and where discussions take place that will influence the strategies, policies and the essence of the tobacco industry. Yohanes Priatama, brand and marketing manager for BMJ, said the WTME platform fosters collaborative discourse that cultivates and refines knowledge rather than just sharing it.
“The presence of our brands is very important for us,” he said. “It’s the right place to make new connections.”