Dinyar S. Devitre will retire from Altria Group’s board of directors following the completion of his current term. Consequently, Devitre will not stand for re-election to the board of directors at Altria’s 2022 annual meeting of shareholders, which is presently anticipated to be held on May 19, 2022.
“Altria has benefited from Dinny’s significant contributions for nearly 50 years, including the time he served as Altria’s senior vice president and chief financial officer and his 14 years on the board,” said Kathryn McQuade, Altria’s independent board chair, in a statement. “We thank him for his remarkable service to this company.”
“I’ve had the privilege and benefit of working closely with Dinny over my time in leadership,” said Billy Gifford, Altria’s CEO. “We will miss his insights and perspective built from so many years of distinguished service and wish him all the very best.”
A director on Altria’ s board since 2008, Devitre is the chair of the finance committee and a member of the compensation and talent development, nominating, corporate governance and social responsibility, and executive committees.
He is a director of IHS Markit, Avestar Capital, Pratham USA and the Brooklyn Academy of Music.