Egypt has implemented a law requiring unlicensed shops to legalize their businesses and putting restrictions on cafes serving shisha, reports Ahram Online.
The new law requires previously licensed shops to make a one-time payment of half the newly required fees to receive a permanent license. Licensed shops will have a two-year grace period to submit their permanent licenses.
New businesses will receive their licenses within 60 days of applying.
A fine of EGP20,000 ($811.19) to EGP50,000 will be imposed on unlicensed shops and those failing to adhere to the law will be sentenced to prison, according to the Cairo government.
The law will specify fees based on the location of the shops as well as social and economic dimension of the shops’ activities.
The law also puts restrictions on cafes serving shisha. Cafes and restaurants serving shisha must license their shops or face fines of EGP10,000 to EGP20,000.
These cafes and restaurants must be located at least 1,000 meters away from places of worship, schools, educational institutions and fuel stations. They must also keep their doors closed except for entering and exiting, and they cannot serve shisha in more than 50 percent of their total area.
Shop floors cannot be covered in flammable materials and used coals must be stored in specialized ceramic or metal containers. Stored coal must be located in isolated places.