On May 12, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued marketing denial orders (MDOs) to 10 companies, which collectively manufacture and market approximately 6,500 flavored e-liquid and e-cigarette products. The companies may not market or distribute these products in the U.S., and retailers who sell these illegal products risk FDA enforcement action.
According to the FDA, the premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) provided insufficient evidence to show that permitting the marketing of these products would be appropriate for the protection of the public health. The flavor names of some of the products denied include Citrus, Strawberry Cheesecake, Cool Mint, and Menthol.
Since the spring of 2020, the FDA has received applications for over 26 million new tobacco products, the majority of which were for e-cigarette products. To date, FDA has completed review and taken action on over 99 percent of these applications, according to the agency.
“Science is a cornerstone of FDA’s tobacco product review process,” said Matthew Farrelly, director of the Office of Science within FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products in a statement. “Today’s decision to deny approximately 6,500 products was based on the lack of scientific evidence provided in the applications. We will continue to ensure all new tobacco products undergo robust, scientific premarket evaluation to determine whether they meet the appropriate public health standard to be legally marketed.”
The companies that received MDOs include Imperial Vapors, Savage Enterprises, Big Time Vapes, SWT Global Supply, Great Lakes Vapor, DNA Enterprise (“Mech Sauce”), Absolute Vapor and ECBlend.
FDA is withholding the names of the other two companies that received MDOs to protect potential confidential commercial information.