Feelm has joined the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), as part of the listing of its parent company, Smoore.
CDP is an independent not-for-profit organization that manages a global disclosure system and repository for environmental reporting by corporations, municipalities and organizations around the world.
In 2021, more than 680 financial institutions, representing $130 trillion in assets, supported CDP’s request for data sharing, while over 13,000 companies, accounting for 64 percent of the world’s market capital, disclosed through CDP’s database. Phillip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, Altria Group and Imperial Tobacco also take part in the CDP.
In May 2022, Feelm announced its commitment to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, with a strategic executive plan that includes introducing zero-carbon vape technology solutions, adopting eco-friendly materials and green packaging, supporting the global supply chain in de-carbonization and activating a recycling program of vape pod cartridges and devices with clients.
“Carbon neutrality is an important component of our integrated ESG strategic plan as it helps to accelerate our business transformation, said Sofia Luo, marketing director of Feelm’s business division, in a statement.
“That is why Feelm follows the measures and roadmap outlined in the ‘Corporate Net-zero Pathway’ published by the UN in 2021. Feelm will press ahead with its commitment to comply with UN standards, disclose information transparently, and welcome scrutiny from international organizations and the public; in order to reach our vision of developing an eco-friendly and low-carbon economy.”