Framtiden Management Co. has tendered its Swedish Match shares to Philip Morris International despite reservations about the takeover.
“As a Swedish Match shareholder since 2003, I believe that this deal does not make sense for long-term shareholders,” said the Framtiden Partnerships managing member Dan Juran in a statement. “Through a press release and white paper, my partner Chris Anderson and I shared our view in the hope other shareholders would see the merits of our position. Philip Morris has since acquired nearly 86 percent of shares.
“Failing our preferred outcome, an independent public company, our intention was to continue on the Swedish Match journey as a minority shareholder of a majority-owned public company. Unfortunately, during the current offer ending Nov. 25, or soon thereafter, we believe the odds are high Philip Morris will attain the 90 percent threshold necessary to delist the shares and commence a compulsory offer. Given a likely choice between tendering now or owning private shares for a short period before a compulsory offer, we have regretfully tendered our shares.”
In May, PMI bid about $16 billion for Swedish Match. Swedish Match’s board of directors recommended shareholders accept the offer, but some investors, including Elliott Management Corp. and Framtiden, objected, saying the bid undervalues their firm.
In October, PMI increased the price of its bid to SEK116 per share from the SEK106 per share offered in May. Swedish Match’s board of directors advised shareholders to accept PMI’s revised offer.
Elliot Management Corp. then accepted the sweetened bid, contributing to PMI’s 86 percent shareholding.
Under Swedish law, PMI needs 90 percent of shareholders to agree to the deal in order to get full control over the company.
The Framtiden Partnerships owned over 14.5 million Swedish Match shares, representing about 1 percent of outstanding shares.