Pyxus International has appointed Jamie J. Ashton to its board of directors following the resignation of Holly Kim, a partner of Glendon Capital Management. Ashton will serve as a member of the board’s audit and compensation committees.
Ashton is a senior vice president of Glendon Capital Management, which together with its affiliates is a significant shareholder of Pyxus.
“On behalf of the company’s board of directors, I thank Ms. Kim for her dedicated service to our company,” said Pyxus President and CEO Pieter Sikkel in a statement. “She was an active advisor in redefining the company’s strategy, and her valuable guidance has significantly contributed to our steady business performance over the past two years.”
“I am pleased to welcome Mr. Ashton to the board,” added Sikkel. “As a close colleague of Ms. Kim’s, Mr. Ashton has a deep familiarity with our company and we look forward to his direct contributions to our board.”