Bidi Vapor will appeal the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s January 2024 decision to deny the company’s premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) for Bidi Vapor’s “Classic” tobacco-flavored Bidi Stick electronic nicotine-delivery system.
Bidi Vapor has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to review the marketing denial order (MDO), which Bidi Vapor believes violates the Administrative Procedure Act. Bidi Vapor will also be seeking a stay of the MDO pending the outcome of the litigation.
“Bidi Vapor disagrees with the FDA’s decision and is taking immediate action accordingly,” said Bidi Vapor founder and CEO Niraj Patel in a statement. “In the meantime, it is important to note that the decision only affects the ‘Classic’ or tobacco-flavored Bidi Stick. The remaining ten Bidi Stick flavors are still under FDA scientific review and remain in distribution in the United States through Kaival Brands, subject to the FDA’s enforcement discretion.”
With its recent legal challenge, Bidi Vapor hopes to build on its record of successfully contesting adverse FDA decisions. In August 2022, the 11th Circuit set aside the original MDOs issued for its 10 nontobacco-flavored products. That ruling put the 10 PMTAs back into scientific review and allowed those flavors to remain available for sale pursuant to the FDA’s compliance policy for deemed tobacco products. During this evaluation period, the 10 nontobacco-flavored products are still under FDA enforcement discretion.