Having joined ITG Brands, the U.S. subsidiary of Imperial Brands, in June 2021 with a background in other consumer goods, Kim Reed related her aims and strategies in her new role. ITG Brands is the third-largest tobacco manufacturer in the U.S. and best known for its Winston, Kool, Salem and Maverick cigarette brands. The company also manufactures mass-market cigars and blu vapor products.
ITG Brands was formed in June 2015 after Imperial Brands acquired the above-mentioned cigarette brands along with blu Cigs, which Reynolds American Inc. and Lorillard had to divest to satisfy the Federal Trade Commission’s competition requirements. Cigar brands already owned by Imperial included Backwoods, Dutch Masters and Phillies.
The U.S., Reed pointed out, is an attractive tobacco market with affordable products, relative marketing freedoms and a transparent, science-based regulatory environment. ITG Brands, she emphasized, is keen to understand its customers. At its size, Reed said, ITG Brands can’t be everything to everyone, but it has a portfolio for all price segments and the advantage of remaining relatively nimble and able to respond quickly to changing consumer demands and preferences.
ITG Brands has been investing in its Winston and Kool Brands while providing a smoking alternative with its blu e-cigarettes. The company’s sales force has increased to include more than 200 people. While focusing on taste and quality, the company has singled out racing, festivals and music as key touchpoints for communication with adult smokers.
At the start of her tenure at the helm of ITG Brands, Reed aimed to build a salesforce that best serves their consumers and customers. The salesforce was built to be diverse and dynamic to reflect the diverse consumers the company serves, she said. Reed said she found her experience with other consumer goods companies, such as Pepsi, helpful when she took over at ITG Brands.
“I try to use lessons learned from consumers to guide not only our business choices but also my personal leadership style,” she explained. “Insights about consumers are critical, and it’s critical to share them with people in our company that work in functions that may be otherwise far removed from daily interaction with consumers.”
ITG Brands, she concluded, has started a multi-year transformation plan that, based on many initiatives, should strengthen its performance.