Massachusetts Judge Issues Record-Setting Judgement

A judge in Hampden County, Massachusetts, issued one of the biggest individual civil judgments in history, awarding $105 million to the family of a deceased smoker. Judge Edward McDonough Jr.’s decision came a month after a jury awarded the plaintiffs $10.6 million after a month-long trial, with the judge saying the defendant, R.J. Reynolds, “willfully and wantonly” engaged in a conspiracy to hide the health hazards of cigarette smoking.

Kevin Penza, along with his daughter, Kimberly Breen Penza, sued on behalf of his late wife, Jacqueline, who died from lung cancer at 59. The plaintiffs argued Jacqueline spent much of her life trying to quit the smoking habit, but was trapped in a nicotine addiction she could not defeat. The defense countered she was a committed smoker who made her own choices and refused to quit despite pleas from her family and doctors.

McDonough began with the jury’s $10.6 million decision and added $2 million in attorney’s fees. The additional sum included interest and fees, but he did not clarify how the final sum was reached. R.J. Reynolds is expected to appeal this ruling.