Ohio Pushed to Up Cigarette Tax by $1.50

In continued sprawl from last week’s “State of Tobacco Control” report from the American Lung Association, Ohio lawmakers are being pushed to raise the state’s cigarette tax by $1.50 per pack. The report was particularly harsh on the Buckeye state, giving it failing grades in the categories of funding for tobacco prevention programs, level of state tobacco taxes, and ending the sale of all flavored tobacco products.

“Here in Ohio, we are seeing tobacco industry lobbyists working to stop or weaken proven tobacco control policies,” said Kezia Ofosu Atta, Advocacy Director at the American Lung Association. “The tobacco industry is also introducing new products that appeal to youth like e-cigarettes that mimic smartphones, kid-friendly flavors, and flavored nicotine pouches that are heavily marketed by social media influencers.”

The report stated a 10% increase in cigarette prices can lead to a 4% reduction in consumption among adults and a 7% reduction among youth.