Until recently, few people would have mentioned the words “tobacco” and “innovation” in the same sentence. Even as other legacy industries started disrupting their respective operations, the tobacco industry remained content to milk its tried-and-tested business model and count on the habit-forming properties of nicotine to sustain its business.
That has changed dramatically over the past 15 years. Advances in technology, together with shifting attitudes, have turned the once-staid nicotine business into a cutting-edge innovator. The modern e-cigarette was not invented by the tobacco industry, but when it started making inroads around 2008, the industry recognized its potential and devoted considerable resources to its perfection. The ensuing disruption to the nicotine business prompted one major financial institution to rank the impact of e-cigarettes in the same league as that of 3D printing.
And it didn’t stop there. Tobacco companies went on to develop a host of additional reduced-risk technologies, such as tobacco-heating devices. Some even began applying their expertise in agronomy, product development and substance delivery to create nonrecreational products, such as vaccines, pharmaceuticals and therapeutic devices.
Astonished by the radical transition taking place in the industry, and excited about what it promises for the future, Tobacco Reporter devote its entire April 2022 issue to the topic of innovation.

N.Y. Lawmakers Want to Ban Zyn for its Flavors
New York lawmakers have introduced a bill that would ban flavored oral nicotine pouches such as Zyn, which recently received FDA approval.

Markets Stand Behind Tobacco
Seeking Alpha said the prices of tobacco and smoking products in the U.S. rose 6.8% in January, slightly above expectations.

JT Again Recognized for Corporate Sustainability
For the sixth year in a row, Japan Tobacco has been recognized for its leadership in corporate sustainability by the global environmental non-profit organization CDP.

Fast-Dissolving Nicotine Strip Makes First Cut for Grant
CTT Pharmaceuticals said it advanced past the initial round in its application for a National NSF grant for its patented fast-dissolving nicotine strips.

Report: BAT Kenya Has $28 Million Tax Discrepancy
Industry reporters claim to have found a $93 million discrepancy in revenue reported by British American Tobacco Kenya for 2017 and 2018.

Tanzanian Tobacco Growing
Tanzania’s tobacco crop topped $517.1 million in 2024 and is expected to reach $764.8 million by 2029.

Maldives Allows Police to Destroy Vapes
Vape products were banned in Maldives in December, and a new law grants police the authority to seize and destroy prohibited products.

Northern Ireland Moves Toward Generational Ban
Northern Ireland moved a step closer to a generational tobacco ban, moving a bill forward that would progressively raise the age to buy tobacco, meaning that people born after December 31, 2008 would never be able to purchase it legally.

Researchers Look to Sewage for Truth on Tobacco Use
Researchers are looking to track tobacco and nicotine use with samples of human sewage.

Study: Physically Activity in Children Diminishes Smoking Chances
A new study suggests people are less likely to initiate tobacco smoking if they engage in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity from childhood.

NC Tobacco Growers to Vote on Assessment
North Carolina tobacco growers will vote on a referendum on February 19 to determine whether to continue assessing themselves to support export promotion.

Ispire Reports 2Q Earnings and Growth Initiatives
Ispire Technology reported results for its fiscal second quarter 2025, which included a 0.3% YoY revenue increase, a 23.5% gross profit increase, and a 23% gross margin increase.