Sale et tabacchi, the inscription on the logo of Italian tobacconist shops, still speaks of tobacco’s long history on the peninsula. It calls to mind the country’s monopoly on salt and tobacco in colonial times.
Today, Italy is the European Union’s largest producer of leaf tobacco, with an annual production of 50 million kg, representing a market share of 27 percent. The country’s economic powerhouse in the north is home not only to leaf tobacco cultivation but also to leading cigarette companies’ and suppliers’ manufacturing sites, which continue to invest in the region.
Philip Morris International has a state-of-the-art tobacco heating factory in Bologna, BAT recently inaugurated an innovation hub in Trieste, Tobacco Technology has a set up a flavorings lab in the region and Montrade is expanding its operations, to name just a few developments.
In the runup to TabExpo Bologna 2023, Tobacco Reporter’s Stefanie Rossel traveled through northern Italy to learn about the tobacco industry’s latest investments. In this special report, she shares her insights.

Ispire Reports 2Q Earnings and Growth Initiatives
Ispire Technology reported results for its fiscal second quarter 2025, which included a 0.3% YoY revenue increase, a 23.5% gross profit increase, and a 23% gross margin increase.

Hong Kong: Bill Would Strengthen Tobacco Control, Hurt Pubs
Hong Kong Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau said an amendment bill to strengthen tobacco control will be submitted to the Legislative Council in April that would impact virtually every product, all on different timelines.

Korean Bill Stalls in Defining “Tobacco”
Today, a bill in South Korea that includes liquid-type electronic cigarettes in the legal definition of “tobacco” did not pass the Economic and Financial Subcommittee of the National Assembly.

Kutsaga Celebrates 75 Years, Looks to Expand in Zimbabwe
As Kutsaga Research celebrated its 75th anniversary in Zimbabwe, Obert Jiri said the organization needs to continue its good work and spread to the southern part of the nation.

WVA Raises Alarm About Misperceptions
The consumer group organized a protest in front of the WHO headquarters today.

EU Urged to Adopt Science-Based Strategy
Health Ministers are currently debating Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan in Brussels.

Activists Lament EU Stance on THR
The EU Commission’s approach is out of touch with citizens’ views, according to the WVA.

WHO Announcement Provokes Backlash
THR activists say the health body’s stance is based on discredited research.

Finland: Smoke-Free Tax Plans Draw Fire
Critics believe the proposal will steer smokers away from less harmful options.

Vapers Cheer EU Recognition of E-cigs as Possible Quit Aid
But a proposal to treat vaping as smoking in public spaces generates less enthusiasm.

Activists Slam Report
The WHO’s recent publication discounts the impact of tobacco harm reduction, says World Vapers Alliance.

Campaign for Harm Reduction in Strasbourg
The World Vapers Alliance speaks out against flavor bans and excessive regulation.

Vapers Petition Lawmakers to Stop Swedish Flavor Ban
Activists deliver letters and march in front of Parliament.