One in eight youth aged 14 to 25 in French-speaking Switzerland is a frequent e-cigarette user, reports Le News.
A study by Unisante, which surveyed 1,362 young people, 59 percent said they had consumed e-cigarettes at least once and 12 percent said they used them frequently (more than 10 days over the past month). Of those that responded, 59 percent said they consume the products when out at night while 40 percent said they consume them at home. The survey showed that 63 percent of respondents preferred e-cigarettes because of the flavors while 40 percent cited lack of tobacco smell and 30 percent cited ease of use.
Disposables are the most popular choice for youth, and 49.4 percent of respondents said their parents knew they used the products. Half of respondents said they’d seen advertising for the products, and two-thirds were aware of the health risks and risk of addiction.
In Switzerland, 19 percent of those aged 15 to 24 smoked combustible cigarettes daily in 2017.