The Therapeutic Goods Administration has rejected Philip Morris Australia's request to allow the company’s heat-not-burn product reach store shelves. Read More
Tags :Australia
Appellate body found no errors in the earlier panel’s conclusions and rejects the complainants’ request for Australia to change its packaging rules.Read More
Problem cannot be patched
Tobacco-smoking relapse rates for released prisoners would suggest that providing snus rather than nicotine patches and lozenges would be a better approach in smoke-free prisons.Read More
A new report recommends that Australia ends its de facto ban on vaping – a ban that seems to be made almost unworkable by the regulatory variations introduced by state governments.Read More
Quitting smoking by switching to vaping is seen by some to contain a 'catch', but it is a catch only in the minds of those who do not understand the concept of harm reduction. Read More
Used properly in vaping devices, nicotine can be a powerful harm-reduction tool. And even when it is accidentally ingested, it generally causes only mild, short-lived discomfort.Read More
A campaign to break the links between the finance and ethically-questionable industries would have merit, but it is not clear why the tobacco industry should be singled out.Read More
It is difficult to understand why some people are so opposed to smokers choosing to use vaping to quit smoking that they would be careless with the truth about vaping.Read More
The case for switching from cigarette smoking to electronic-cigarette vaping is becoming overwhelming.Read More
Although it is not as easy to be a nicotine vaper in Australia as it is in some other countries, it is by no means impossible.Read More