Tag: gambling

  • Few complaints lead to secondhand smoke warnings for non-gamblers

    About two, meaning usually one, complaints a month are lodged with the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department regarding tobacco smoke leaking from video gambling rooms inside restaurants, so obviously something needed to be done in this West Virginia, USA, town.

    ”When we get these types of complaints, we still make a site visit to make sure they are in compliance with the regulation and to see if we can advise them on making some corrections to limit the smoke coming into the general area,” Administrator Howard Gamble was quoted as saying in a story published in the The Intelligencer: Wheeling News-Register

    There was no mention as to whether or not it was the same person complaining every month.

    Eateries and bars with video gambling rooms are now required by the health department to post signs warning customers that smoking is permitted inside and that patrons may be exposed to secondhand smoke.

    ”This posting shall be conspicuously placed. This advisory shall include, but is not limited to, the following: ‘Health warning: Smoking is permitted within this facility, you will be exposed to secondhand smoke. Such exposure can cause or contribute to cancer, heart disease, respiratory illness, and other serious health problems,”’ said Gamble.

    The health department’s smoking ban allows restaurants to have these gambling rooms, but there is no regulation forcing the owner to install a separate air handler to filter out the smoke.