As in other countries, in India there is a grudging acknowledgement that the use of ENDS is less risky than smoking cigarettes, but an obsession with not letting anybody know this.Read More
Tags :India
India is starting to look at how it might best implement a tobacco-products track-and-trace system.Read More
Air pollution in Delhi puts children at risk from the day they are born. But the only surprise is the length of time it has taken a lot of people to wake up to this Read More
Although India needs money to mitigate the effects of disasters, natural and otherwise, it is not clear why it is felt that tobacco users should bear all the burden of providing that money.Read More
Well-informed associations in India are challenging the Central Government's stance on vaping, which looks to have been built on shaky ground.Read More
India's ban on vaping products gives free rein to the country's tobacco manufacturers to concentrate their fire on combustible products.Read More
New graphic warnings in India look shocking, but who will connect with them? Who, beyond cancer specialists have seen disease manifested in this way?Read More
No reason was given for a 'brief disruption' at auction sales in Andhra Pradesh, India, but a betting person would have to put her money on prices.Read More
India has managed to convert 15 percent of the land previously under tobacco to other crops, including pulses and vegetables.Read More
To be effective, tobacco health warnings need to show images that are within a smoker's experience, not warnings that are, to those who design them, simply more gruesome.Read More