Tag: Julius Glatz

  • An Essential Component

    An Essential Component

    Nina Ritter-Reischl |Photo: Glats Feinpapiere

    Manufacturers of tipping papers adapt to a changing cigarette market.

    TR Staff Report

    Valued at $1.6 billion in 2021, the global cigarette paper market is projected to reach $2.2 billion by 2031, according to Allied Market Research. Tipping base paper represents only a small part of this market but is an essential component in cigarette construction, where it has to meet many requirements.

    “As tipping base paper is a printing paper, the printability is most important,” says Nina Ritter-Reischl, CEO of German cigarette paper manufacturer Glatz Feinpapiere. “Printability is mainly depending on sheet formation and smoothness as well as the sizing. The latter is important to prevent color bleeding in the printing process. Our papers show a very good printability due to their formation and constant quality parameters, especially in sizing. Our know-how in tipping base paper goes back for decades and is one of our main assets.”

    Other considerations are water absorption, which determines ink absorption; smoothness, which plays a role in printability; and a “dynamic contact angle” for the gluing process; along with flammability, according to Liem Khe Fung, Innovation Center director at Indonesian cigarette paper manufacturer BMJ.

    Liem Khe Fu

    “The print quality of BMJ’s tipping base paper is excellent,” says Liem. It allows for 12-color print and the inclusion of tactile and embossed features along with security features. Flavored and sweetened papers are also possible, according to Liem. The company started to significantly supply the market only a few years ago, so the potential growth for BMJ in this field is still high, according to Liem.

    Ritter-Reischl views her company as a specialist for tipping base paper within the cigarette industry. “Therefore, we started focusing even more on our tipping base paper customers and were able to raise our sales within this market segment,” she says. “Tipping base paper customers are demanding and have high quality standards; they expect close customer relationships and interlinks in addition to excellent services. Those are challenges we can meet and are specialized in. As an example, we even deliver our tipping base paper with our own transportation company to one of our most valued customers, door to door every day.”

    The tipping base paper market has become highly competitive. Liem, whose company mainly caters to the Asian market, says that price competition is the main challenge, followed by small order quantity per stock-keeping unit.

    Julius Glatz is strong in Europe. “However, we also deliver to Asia and Latin America as there are printers too,” says Ritter-Reischl.

    As tipping base paper is an essential part of the cigarette, the tipping base paper market is facing the same challenges as the cigarette market in general. “Rising inflation and therefore declining purchasing power of consumers, political instability, rising costs and stumbling logistics worldwide are afflicting the market,” says Ritter-Reischl.

    Following a modest uptick during the Covid-19 pandemic, when many people where stuck at home, global cigarette consumption has resumed its long-term decline. In 2024, Statista projects volumes to shrink by 0.4 percent. That still leaves a market of around 5 trillion cigarettes, however—and the vast majority of them will require a tipping paper.

  • Fired Up

    Fired Up

    Nina Ritter-Reischl, in front of Glatz LIP paper machine
    (Photo: Julius Glatz)

    Having prevailed in an intellectual property dispute, Julius Glatz prepares to reenter the market for lower ignition propensity cigarette papers.

    By George Gay

    Julius Glatz is to reenter the market for lower ignition propensity (LIP) cigarette papers.

    This follows a four-year hiatus during which it was forced out of that market as a result of a patents dispute it eventually won in September last year, after a legal battle that, in total, lasted six years.

    Nina Ritter-Reischl, a managing partner at Glatz, told Tobacco Reporter during an exchange in January that, having overcome the difficulties of those four years, the company, which produces a large range of papers, mainly for the tobacco industry but also for other industries, was keen to return to the LIP market and, indeed, had already started work on doing so.

    And this won’t be a case of starting from scratch, of course. “As we were able to retain at least some of our core personnel, we can build upon their know-how and knowledge to produce LIP papers with the high standard our customers know us for,” said Ritter-Reischl. “Our customers will still find their former contacts in our technical, R&D and sales teams.”

    Meanwhile, the machine that Glatz used in the past to produce its LIP papers has been geared up at the production site where those papers were manufactured previously, in Neustadt, Germany, about 10 km from the company’s base in Neidenfels. “Our LIP machine has been maintained during the down period, some parts have been renewed, and our control technology has been upgraded within the last months,” said Ritter-Reischl. “Those investments were made to ensure production of all kinds of LIP papers.

    “As our application system is very flexible,” she added, “our production range and products are as well. We can therefore produce LIP papers to the specifications our customers were used to, or we can develop papers with new specifications according to our customers’ needs.”

    Of course, during the period when it wasn’t possible for Glatz to manufacture LIP papers, the company didn’t just sit on its hands; it used the time to concentrate on another type of demanding tobacco industry paper. “We were able during those four years to focus on another part of our core competences—our tipping base paper production,” Ritter-Reischl said. “Those papers also are very complex and demanding papers in the industry, and our quality and service for those is a benchmark.”

    That’s not to say, however, that the renewed opportunities that LIP paper production now offer isn’t massively important. In corresponding with Ritter-Reischl, I got the impression that Glatz was not only taking a huge amount of pleasure in being able to restart its LIP papers operation but also relishing the fact that this meant it could once again offer a complete range of tobacco industry papers. “Entering back into the LIP market, we at Glatz can offer our customers not only additional papers, [but] we can again provide them with the full-service range of all papers for the industry, from plug-wrap papers and tipping base papers to cigarette papers, including LIP papers,” she said. “We are able to offer all these papers manufactured to the highest qualities and within the most demanding specifications. And we can offer a flexible service delivered through short lines of communication by a dedicated team of traditional paper makers.”

    Currently, Glatz’s LIP papers production unit is making trial runs to produce papers of various specifications for a number of interested customers, but it expects to have to ramp up its production level to full manufacturing mode during the next few months.

    Ritter-Reischl, who is a lawyer, seemed frustrated that discussions and legal disputes over one LIP patent had taken so long but pleased that that period was now behind the company. “As the patent was held to be invalid, this pulled the rug from under all the accusations made against Glatz,” she said. “But, needless to say, this dispute and the interim consequences were a burden for us over the past four years, and only a company like ours with a very resilient financial, social and competitive structure would have been able to endure such a phase.”

    Julius Glatz is a family-owned medium-sized company with more than 135 years of experience in producing paper in Neidenfels, Germany. “We are a traditional and sustainable asset in the region, being ourselves aware of the responsibility we have toward our employees, our environment, our suppliers and, most important[ly], our customers,” said Ritter-Reischl.

    The company was started in 1885 by Wilhelm Adolph Glatz, Franz Julius Glatz and Hans Haehnle when, between them, they founded the Glatz papermill at Neidenfels in the Palatinate Forest. Almost 100 years later, in 1990, Glatz became the first fine paper manufacturer to offer thin printing papers and cigarette papers of TCF (totally chlorine-free) quality. And, in 1994, Glatz became part of the first Sino-German joint venture in the field of tobacco industry papers with the founding in Yunnan province of Yunnan Hongta Blue Eagle, which quickly went on to produce premium cigarette paper of international quality standards.

    Now, as it navigates 2022, Glatz can look forward to the boost that being able once again to participate in the LIP papers market will bring. But the question arises as to what the future holds for Glatz beyond LIP papers, and Ritter-Reischl started answering this question by admitting that, overall, the outlook for the traditional tobacco industry was not exactly rosy. Everyone knew, she said, that the tobacco market in general was difficult, as regulations and tobacco product taxes were increasing while the number of smokers was decreasing. Nevertheless, she indicated, Glatz was optimistic about the future, and part of that optimism seems to be coming from what is perhaps an unexpected source. “Due to the coronavirus pandemic, customers have come to realize how important local sourcing, flexible service and short communication tracks are,” said Ritter-Reischl. “And those are all services and assets that we can offer firsthand.”

    Another reason for optimism at Glatz was that the idea of sustainability was becoming more and more important and into focus, said Ritter-Reischl. “As a family-owned business with a history of 135 years in paper making, [we] are sustainable by our very nature,” she said. “We value our employees and suppliers, we take care of our environment, and our customers are always in focus as we conduct every aspect of our business.”

    Of course, individual businesses can expand even when the markets they serve are not expanding by, in one way or another, increasing their market shares or by diversifying. And in this regard, Glatz sees opportunities arising in the future as paper products come to replace other materials, such as plastic. “Our thin papers with their special haptic properties can be used in other industries to substitute for foil or other wrappers,” she said. “Therefore, alongside our tobacco papers specialization, we have the opportunity of diversifying into other aspects of fine papers. And this will be one of the options we will focus on in the future and that will help keep us optimistic in the face of the challenges to come.”

  • Court Partially Nullifies ‘Fire-Safe’ Paper Patent

    Court Partially Nullifies ‘Fire-Safe’ Paper Patent

    Photo: Vitalii Vodolazskyi

    The German Federal Court of Justice has partially nullified a European patent assigned to U.S. paper manufacturer Schweitzer-Mauduit International (SWM), reports Juve Patent.

    European patent 1 482 815 protects a paper with reduced ignition proclivity characteristics used for manufacturing cigarettes. The papers are treated with film-forming solutions, which makes them less permeable to oxygen. As such, the embers inside the cigarette cannot easily spread to any material it may be lying on. This is to prevent fires caused by dropped or discarded cigarettes.

    In 2015, SWM sued Julius Glatz, insisting the German company’s Cigla brand of cigarette papers infringed on its patents. After much legal back and forth, Julius Glatz stopped its production of the disputed papers, closing production facilities and laying off employees.

    Following the recent ruling, Julius Glatz announced it would restart production with immediate effect. “As the patent in suit was held invalid, Julius Glatz GmbH and its daughter company LIPtec GmbH never infringed a valid patent,” the company wrote in a statement.

    “Glatz is assuring the high quality, service level and competitiveness the industry is used [to] from them in all paper segments and is therefore proud to say that they are back as a full-service supplier, meaning with LIP-papers too.”

    Julius Glatz is demanding almost €40 million ($46.3 million) from SWM in compensation for the damages it suffered in the dispute.