Tag: michael bloomberg

  • WHO reappoints Bloomberg

    WHO reappoints Bloomberg

    Photo: Bloomberg Philanthropies

    The World Health Organization (WHO) will reappoint Michael R. Bloomberg as the WHO Global Ambassador for Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Injuries.

    Both as mayor of New York City and as a philanthropist, Bloomberg made it a top priority to combat noncommunicable diseases and their underlying causes. As mayor, he introduced the Smoke Free Air Act and other public health initiatives. His foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, promotes policy solutions around the world that reduce rates of noncommunicable diseases like cardiovascular disease and hypertension as a result of factors such as poor diet while also supporting road safety and drowning prevention initiatives.

    Vapor advocates have criticized Bloomberg for his rejection of tobacco harm reduction (THR) strategies, and his philanthropies’ attempts to influence policymaking around the world.

    Recently, the International Network of Nicotine Consumers Organizations urged Vietnam to exercise “true independence” in its regulation of THR products, citing concern that the country’s regulations would be drafted by Bloomberg-financed organizations.

    Anti-tobacco groups welcomed Bloomberg’s reappointment. “Michael Bloomberg is uniquely qualified to focus global attention on this public health crisis and serve as a catalyst for life-saving action around the world, and we look forward to partnering with him and the WHO on proven policy solutions to reduce NCDs and save lives,” said Matthew L. Myers, president of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the Global Health Advocacy Incubator, in a statement.