Tag: Nicokick

  • Inflation Leads Smokers to Cheaper Cigarettes

    Inflation Leads Smokers to Cheaper Cigarettes

    Photo: Nopphon

    New inflation survey data examining the opinions of U.S. smokers found that, due to higher prices, smokers were more likely to switch to cheaper cigarettes rather than less expensive as well as less harmful alternative nicotine products. In examining smoker attitudes, this survey also found a lack of education regarding harm reduction products, with almost a third of smokers surveyed saying that nicotine pouches were more harmful than traditional cigarettes.

    “In times of rising inflation, it is even more critical that smokers are well informed about the benefits of harm reduction products as it is an opportunity both for health and wallet,” said Markus Lindblad, head of external affairs at Nicokick, an e-commerce company in the smokeless industry, in a statement.

    “Instead of switching to a lower-cost traditional cigarette due to rising prices, a better outcome would be switching to cheaper, harm-reduced alternative products like nicotine pouches, gum, or lozenges. Unfortunately, this survey found many smokers are not aware of the health benefits of switching to alternative products like nicotine pouches, and it is incumbent upon policymakers to address this misconception if they are serious about better public health outcomes.”

    The survey also found that half of Americans say more education on the less harmful nature of alternative nicotine products would help them switch from cigarettes to products like vapes or nicotine pouches.

    Only 21 percent of those surveyed view nicotine pouches as less harmful than cigarettes, with 30 percent incorrectly saying that nicotine pouches are more harmful than traditional cigarettes.

    Thirty-six percent of respondents said vaping was more harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes.

  • FDA Asked to Prioritize Harm Reduction

    FDA Asked to Prioritize Harm Reduction

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration should encourage harm reduction products and help smokers give up cigarettes, according to Markus Lindblad, head of external affairs at the Haypp Group, the parent company of NicoKick, which describes itself as the world’s largest American e-commerce company in the smokeless industry.

    In a letter to Acting Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Janet Woodcock, Lindblad encouraged her to prioritize the goal she helped set at the FDA in previous years to enable greater use of healthier harm reduction products and help smokers quit combustible products.

    “Our mission at NicoKick is to drive real change in the industry and encourage alternative nicotine enjoyment for adults seeking products other than inhalants,” Linblad wrote.

    “We recognize that your focus is understandably on addressing the coronavirus pandemic, but we hope as you lead the Food and Drug Administration that you continue to prioritize tobacco harm reduction products that will produce better health outcomes for millions of American smokers. We can all agree any effort to transition from traditional tobacco products to those that reduce harm to the consumer should be supported and would be an important win for public health.”