Tag: World Health Organization

  • Panama Anti-Illicit Trade Meeting Kicks Off

    Panama Anti-Illicit Trade Meeting Kicks Off

    Photo: Europol

    The Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products kicks off today in Panama City.

    The gathering brings together 68 parties that have been working together to halt illegal trade in tobacco products. The meeting, which will run until Feb. 15, is the third such gathering of the Parties to the Protocol and the first since 2021.

    According to the World Health Organization, illicit trade accounts for about 11 percent of total global tobacco trade, and its elimination could increase global tax revenues by an estimated $47.4 billion annually.

    Adriana Blanco Marquizo, head of the Secretariat of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control said that, despite its claims to the contrary, the tobacco industry profits from the illicit trade. “Implementing the protocol generates substantial funds for parties as it safeguards important tax revenues that can be utilized by governments to finance sustainable development,” she said in a statement.

    The Meeting of the Parties will review the efforts underway to implement a tracking and tracing system.

    A key component of the global tracking and tracing regime is the global information-sharing focal point, and the first phase of that initiative will begin to become available to parties once the meeting concludes. 

    Following an initial pilot phase, the new system will be open to all parties to the protocol, helping them to further secure the tobacco supply chain and assist in investigations. 

    The Meeting of the Parties will also consider ways to improve implementation of the protocol, determine the road ahead and highlight the need for additional evidence-based research. Reporting and information-sharing mechanisms will also be considered, as the sharing of experiences and best practices among parties is key to advancing the fight against illicit trade.

    In addition to the parties that are signatories to the protocol, which is an international treaty, the meeting will host observers, including countries that are not yet parties to the treaty.

  • COP Concludes

    COP Concludes

    Photo: Maksym Yemelyanov

    The 10th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) concluded on Feb. 10 with a commitment to strengthen protections against the impact of tobacco on the environment and health.

    “We have taken a historic decision on Article 18,” said Adriana Blanco Marquizo, head of the FCTC Secretariat, in a statement, describing action to strengthen the article of the FCTC focused on the protection of the environment and the health of all people.

    “The decision urges parties to take account of the environmental impacts from the cultivation, manufacture, consumption and waste disposal of tobacco products and to strengthen the implementation of this article, including through national policies related to tobacco and protection of the environment,” Blanco Marquizo said.

    Representatives from 142 parties gathered in Panama City Feb. 5–10 to tackle a range of issues from progress on implementation of the treaty to the regulation of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.

    According to the WHO, some 200,000 hectares of land are cleared every year for tobacco cultivation, accounting for up to 20 percent of the annual increase in greenhouse gases.

    The decision also addresses the issue of cigarette filters. According to the WHO, an estimated 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are thrown away annually worldwide, representing 1.69 billion pounds of toxic trash containing plastics.

    “Under specific circumstances—such as sunlight and moisture—cigarette filters break down into smaller plastic pieces, eventually leaching out some of the 7,000 chemicals contained in a single cigarette,” the WHO wrote on its website. “Many of those chemicals are environmentally toxic. The decision on Article 18 is very timely given the ongoing intergovernmental negotiation committees working to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment.”

    COP10 delegates also agreed to strengthen guidelines on cross-border tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship and the depiction of tobacco in entertainment media.

    In addition, two expert groups were established—one to work on forward-looking tobacco control measures under Article 2.1 of the FCTC and the other to focus on Article 19, which concerns liability.

    Other decisions adopted by COP10 relate to the promotion of human rights through the WHO FCTC as well as strengthening the FCTC Investment Fund.

    The parties also agreed to extend by five years the mandate of the Global Strategy to Accelerate Tobacco Control 2019–2025: Advancing Sustainable Development Through the Implementation of the WHO FCTC 2019–2025 so that it fully aligns with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    COP10 also adopted the Panama Declaration, which draws attention to the “fundamental and irreconcilable conflict” between the interests of the tobacco industry and the interests of public health. The declaration also makes clear the need for policy coherence within governments to comply with the requirements of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC, which aims to protect public health policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry.

    Contradicting the observation of tobacco grower and consumer groups that traveled to Panama, the WHO insisted that COP10 was open to the media, which it said had the opportunity to observe all public and open sessions.

    COP10 is followed by the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, which will meet in Panama City Feb. 12–15.

  • Past WHO Officials Highlight THR Strategy

    Past WHO Officials Highlight THR Strategy

    Photo: Alexander Ovsyannikov

    Harm reduction should be a central strategy of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in addition to the measures for demand and supply reduction, according to Robert Beaglehole and Ruth Bonita.

    Writing in The Lancet, the two former World Health Organization directors argue that while the FCTC has been influential in encouraging a global response to tobacco control, it has been challenging to show a strong and consistent association between the implementation of FCTC measures and smoking prevalence and cigarette consumption outcomes.

    The FCTC does not prohibit harm reduction approaches but leaves it up to member states to decide how to regulate e-cigarettes and other novel nicotine products. The WHO’s lack of endorsement of tobacco harm reduction limits healthier choices for the 1.3 billion people globally who smoke and who are at an increased risk of early death, according to Beaglehole and Bonita.

    The authors note that there is no scientific justification for WHO’s position that e-cigarettes and other novel nicotine products should be treated in the same way as tobacco products. This position, they argue, overlooks a risk-proportionate approach.

    “We believe WHO needs to provide positive leadership and technical support to countries as they consider the use of e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery devices,” the authors write. “WHO’s current approach to these lower-risk product is to reward countries, such as India, for banning e-cigarettes; thirty-four countries, primarily low-income and middle-income countries, now ban e-cigarettes.”

    Beaglehole and Bonita note that, in some countries, substantial reductions in smoking prevalence have coincided with the uptake of novel nicotine products. In New Zealand, for example, the prevalence of adult daily smoking plummeted from 13.3 percent in 2017–2018 to 6.8 percent in 2022–2023 after e-cigarettes became widely available, a 49 percent decline in five years.

    In the same period, and with the support of the government and regulation of vaping, the prevalence of adult daily vaping increased from 2.6 percent to 9.7 percent. New Zealand’s recent decline in smoking occurred in the absence of any other major tobacco control policy, apart from the annual cost-of-living price increases, according to the authors. “The decrease in smoking during this period in New Zealand shows what can be achieved, and exceeds the WHO smoking prevalence reduction goals of 30 percent over 15 years from 2010 to 2025,” they write.

    The New Zealand 2022 smoke-free legislation includes a “tobacco-free generation”, a 90 percent reduction in smoked tobacco retail outlets, and compulsory denicotinization of retail tobacco. The New Zealand government, elected in November 2023, is committed to reaching the Smokefree 2025 goal of 5 percent (or less) smoking prevalence for the adult population, but intends to repeal the 2022 smoke-free legislation.

    However, because of the implementation timelines, fears that this repeal would jeopardize the Smokefree 2025 goal can be allayed, according to Beaglehole and Bonita. This is because none of the three headline measures would be expected to have an impact before 2025 and might have had negative unintended consequences. “Based on recent progress, New Zealand’s Smokefree 2025 goal looks likely to be reached by consent rather than coercion and by further support for switching to smoke-free nicotine products,” the authors note.

    Beaglehole and Bonita also highlight the success of other high-income countries in reducing smoking prevalence in association with the use of a range of lower-risk nicotine delivery devices to complement FCTC demand and supply reduction measures.

    Sweden, with a long tradition of snus use, has the lowest prevalence of adult daily smoking in the world, down to 6 percent in 2022, accompanied by low mortality from tobacco-related diseases.

    Norway has had similar success with reducing smoking prevalence in the context of increased use of snus and e-cigarettes, and in England vaping is helping adults to quit smoking. The substantial decline in cigarette consumption in Japan is associated with the rapid uptake of products that heat, rather than burn, tobacco.

    Less progress has been made in low-income and middle-income countries where tobacco control capacity and political will to advance tobacco control measures are weaker, and the potential of tobacco harm reduction is not being realized, according to the authors.

    Beaglehole and Bonita say two concerns suggest why tobacco harm reduction is not more actively embraced, despite its association with reduced smoking prevalence. The first is that, compared with cigarettes, where the damage has been known for more than half a century, the long-term effects of e-cigarettes are unknown.

    Although vaping may not be risk-free, especially for people who do not smoke, the risks of there being substantial long-term harm from the constituents of e-cigarettes are likely to be low, especially when compared with the damage caused by smoked tobacco, the authors point out.

    The second concern is that the widespread availability of e-cigarettes in the absence of adequate controls and regulations encourages youth nicotine dependence and enables the vaping industry to act unethically. Beaglehole and Bonita say there is little evidence to suggest that vaping leads to smoking among youth, and although the proportion of non-smoking youth who vape is increasing, it remains at a fairly low level.

    Stricter regulations, including enforcing sales restrictions, and appropriate health promoting campaigns are needed to prevent vaping by young people, according to the authors, but these measures must be balanced with the health needs of older adults who smoke and require support to quit.

    Beaglehole and Bonita acknowledge that there is understandable skepticism about the motives of the tobacco industry in selling smoke-free products while continuing to expand tobacco markets in low-income and middle-income countries. To remain profitable, they say, the tobacco industry will eventually need to migrate its global business to less harmful alternatives since cigarettes will no longer monopolize the delivery of nicotine.

    The authors express concern about the recommendations, found in COP10 background papers, to treat nicotine products as equivalent to cigarettes and regulating them in a similar way. This approach, they argue, is a retrograde step because they are not comparable products in terms of the damage they cause; after all, it is the burning of tobacco that causes harm, not nicotine. Worse, such a strategy would ultimately favor the global cigarette market and may discourage vaping, according to Beaglehole and Bonita.

    The focus, they insist, must remain on the central public health problem—the damaging health effects of tobacco consumption. “Reducing cigarette smoking is the most effective way to prevent tobacco-related deaths and tobacco harm reduction is the fastest and fairest way to lower smoking prevalence,” the authors write.

    “WHO needs to embrace these innovations in nicotine delivery. Countries that are reaping the benefit of tobacco harm reduction, such as New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, England and Japan, should encourage participating countries at COP10 to support proposals that will quickly reduce smoking rates. The world’s 1.3 billion people who smoke, half of whom will die early, deserve this leadership.”


  • Taxpayers Group Holds ‘Counter COP’

    Taxpayers Group Holds ‘Counter COP’

    Photo: TPA

    Concurrent with the 10the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which takes place in Panama City this week, the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) is hosting an event at the Central Hotel Panama under the name “Good Cop/Bad Cop.” The event will be livestreamed on TPA’s YouTube channel.

    Good COP will feature nearly two dozen tobacco harm reduction experts, representing 14 different countries and highlighting some of the leading experts on consumer issues, national and global policies, and the science surrounding harm reduction.

    Throughout the event, TPA and the Good COP participants will be monitoring the WHO’s meeting and providing running commentary via livestreams, media interviews, blogs, and social media.

    “The taxpayer-funded WHO ignores science and puts billions of smokers at risk of not having access to life-saving technology to quit smoking,” said TPA’s President, David William in a statement.

    “The participants of Good COP will hold the WHO accountable for denying life-saving access to tobacco harm reduction products and denying access to the public and media to these meetings. “In real time, harm reduction experts from around the globe will be fact-checking and providing commentary on the WHO’s anti-science agenda at COP10.”

  • COP10 Warns Against New Products

    COP10 Warns Against New Products

    Image: SL-Photography

    Delegates from around the world gathered in Panama City on Feb 5. to open the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

    Adriana Blanco Marquizo, head of the FCTC Secretariat, welcomed attendees and warned of the increasing availability of novel and emerging nicotine and tobacco products.

    These are “becoming a very troubling problem with an alarming increase in the use of these products by young people,” Blanco Marquizo said in her opening address.

    “Part of this increase is due to disingenuous tobacco industry messages portraying these products as a replacement for real tobacco control measures as the industry again tries to claim a seat at the table—as part of the solution to an epidemic that the industry created and continues to sustain.”

    She also asked everyone to be alert to what she described as “the relentless interference of the tobacco industry in every corner of the world.”

    At COP10, delegates will consider a wide range of work to direct the FCTC in its work.

    Discussions at COP10 will include:

    • implementation of FCTC Articles 9 and 10 (regulation of contents and disclosure of tobacco products): reports by the Bureau, by the Expert Group and by the WHO; 
    • tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship: depiction of tobacco in entertainment media: report by the Working Group;
    • novel and emerging tobacco products;
    • forward-looking tobacco control measures (in relation to FCTC Article 2.1);
    • implementation of FCTC Article 19, which relates to liability;
    • improving the reporting system of the FCTC; 
    • Implementation Review Mechanism; 
    • contribution of the FCTC to the promotion and fulfillment of human rights; and
    • the FCTC Investment Fund.

    COP10 runs from today until Saturday, Feb. 10.

    It is followed by the third Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, Feb. 12–15, 2024. 

  • Diversification in Africa: FCTC No Help

    Diversification in Africa: FCTC No Help

    Photo: Taco Tuinstra

    While participants in the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) are keen for tobacco growers to abandon the golden leaf, farmers around the world say they receive little support in switching to alternative livelihoods.

    Interviewed by the International Tobacco Growers’ Association, Ryan Swales, president of the Zimbabwe Tobacco Association (ZTA), said he has not witnessed any attempts from the global health body to assist with diversification.

    “I do not see any help from the WHO FCTC helping the diversification of tobacco farmers in Zimbabwe,” he was quoted as saying. “We are on our own, and a big proportion of large-scale growers have diversified on their own, with no help from anyone else, be it the tobacco companies or the WHO FCTC. If you ask many growers if they know who the WHO FCTC are, you will be met with a blank stare!”

    This sentiment was echoed by ZTA CEO Rodney Ambrose, who noted that for Zimbabwe’s tens of thousands of small-scale farmers, there simply are no viable diversification options. “Our ministry engaged in a study on behalf of WHO FCTC some years back, which clearly concluded that there are no economically viable crops other than tobacco for our small-scale farmers. Tobacco is their livelihood.

    “However, we are always willing to further explore diversification options that the WHO FCTC may propose.”

    In Malawi, tobacco growers have received support from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World as the country seeks to broaden its economic base.

  • COP10: Activists Demand Evidence-Based Approach

    COP10: Activists Demand Evidence-Based Approach

    Nancy Loucas (Photo: CAPHRA)

    The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) has called on the World Health Organization and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) to adopt a more transparent, open and evidence-based approach to tobacco harm reduction.

    “This demand comes in light of the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP10) in Panama, where governments will discuss global strategies to address the tobacco epidemic”, said Nancy Loucas, executive coordinator of CAPHRA. 

    CAPHRA’s critique aligns with the insights of Clive Bates, a renowned tobacco control expert, who has highlighted the WHO’s counterproductive stance on safer nicotine alternatives such as vaping and heated tobacco products. Bates argues that the WHO’s approach, which often leans towards prohibition, inadvertently protects the cigarette trade, fosters black markets, and prolongs the epidemic of smoking-related diseases. 

    “CAPHRA emphasizes the need for the WHO and FCTC to engage with all stakeholders, including consumer groups, and to consider the full spectrum of scientific evidence when formulating policies,” said Loucas. 

    “We believe that the focus should be on reducing the harm caused by smoked tobacco, which is the primary contributor to tobacco-related health issues.”

    CAPHRA also calls for webcasting and public access to the entire COP10 meeting to ensure transparency and accountability.  

    “The positions adopted by delegates and observers should be open for all to see, fostering a more inclusive and evidence-driven dialogue”, said Loucas. 

     In the spirit of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the FCTC treaty, CAPHRA advocates for a re-evaluation of the treaty’s approach to tobacco harm reduction, urging parties to consider the potential benefits of risk-proportionate regulations that protect public health while ensuring the availability of safer nicotine alternatives. 

  • COP10 Kicks Off

    COP10 Kicks Off

    Tobacco growers demanding to be heard during COP4 (Photo: ITGA)

    The parties to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control will meet this week in Panama for their 10th gathering (COP10). Originally scheduled for November 2023, the event was postponed to Feb 5-10, 2024, due to civil unrest in the host country.

    Experts who have been following the preparations expect debates this week about the “tobacco endgame,” which includes nicotine reduction, retailer quotas and generational tobacco purchasing bans. They also anticipate talks on contents and emissions testing and measurements, filters and ventilation, and pricing and tax increases.

    In the runup to the event, documents have been released for discussions about extending advertising/sponsorship restrictions to corporate campaigns and newer media; supporting anti-tobacco litigation; and discouraging industry diversification into pharmaceuticals and other areas. Also on the agenda: a proposal to redefine aerosol from tobacco-heating products as smoke—a move that critics have described as an attempt to rewrite basic scientific principles.

    In addition, the COP delegates will consider recognizing tobacco control as fundamental to the right to health, clearing the way to attack the industry as a violator of human rights and subject it to additional liability. Participants in the Panama event will likely also debate emerging evidence on new products. They may push for e-cigarettes and tobacco-heating products to be regulated like combustible cigarettes, a development that critics say is not based on science and would discourage the tobacco harm reduction efforts that have been underway in many countries.

    Industry officials, grower representatives and consumer groups have criticized the COP for its exclusionary practices and what they view as a prohibitionist agenda. While FCTC Article 5.3 instructs member states to protect policymaking from undue industry influence, critics say this provision has been used as an excuse to shut down all communications.

    “The [FCTC] treaty, which came into force in 2003 and held its first COP in 2005, originally had the very legitimate aim of controlling tobacco consumption in order to counter its harmful effects on health,” said Jose Javier Aranda, president of the International Tobacco Growers Association, in a statement.  

    “Since then, its objectives have been radically modified. Throughout the treaty’s long history, tobacco growers and their legitimate representatives at global level, the International Tobacco Growers’ Association have observed an increase in the radicalization of the methods applied by the FCTC, in which exclusion and lack of transparency have set the tone.”

    “At COP10, decisions are being made without the input of those most affected—the consumers. This exclusion is unacceptable. Harm reduction saves lives, and it’s imperative that this is recognized and integrated into global tobacco control policies, said Michael Landl, director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, in a statement.

    “By sidelining the voices of those directly impacted, the WHO FCTC is ignoring a fundamental human rights issue,” said Nancy Loucas, executive coordinator of The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates. “Individuals seeking to protect their loved ones and themselves from the harms of smoking are being denied access to less harmful alternatives. This is not just a failure in policy but a failure in compassion.”

    COP10 will be followed the third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco, Feb 12-15.

  • Philippines Urged To Support Farmers at COP

    Philippines Urged To Support Farmers at COP

    Photo: Phiilip Morris Fortune Tobacco Co.

    Filipino tobacco growers are asking their government to advocate for their livelihoods at the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which is scheduled to take place Feb. 5-10 in Panama.  

    “Our lives are deeply intertwined with tobacco farming,” Leonardo Montemayor, a former agriculture secretary and board chairman of the Federation of Free Farmers, told The Manila Standard. “It is a way of life and our means of survival amid harsh economic headwinds. With the Department of Agriculture roadmap affirming its long-term support for tobacco farming, we hope that the Philippine government will take that commitment to heart when championing our industry in this upcoming COP. 

    The National Tobacco Administration (NTA) recently launched the Sustainable Tobacco Enhancement Program (STEP), an initiative aimed at boosting indigenous tobacco cultivation, particularly in Mindanao.

     Saturnino Distor, president of the Philippine Tobacco Growers Association, said STEP would improve tobacco farmers prospects, especially with the regulation of safer alternatives to cigarettes like vapes and e-cigarettes. “Studies and science show these are better than cigarettes. That’s where the industry is headed, so we have hope that tobacco farming will continue,” he said.  

    “Tobacco farming sustains millions of farmers and their families, as well as workers in the industry,” Distor said. “Switching crops requires significant investment in new infrastructure. If the future of alternative products is uncertain, what about the future of farmers? We appeal for compassionate and humane policies.” 

    The Philippine tobacco sector employs more than 2.1 million people and contributes significantly to government income, with PHP160 billion ($2.86 billion) collected in excise taxes in 2022, according to the NTA.

  • COP Urged to Implement Harm Reduction

    COP Urged to Implement Harm Reduction

    From left to right: Lorenzo Mata, Nancy Loucas and Jay Jazul

    Consumer advocacy group Quit for Good asked the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) to consider the lives of more than a billion smokers when it convenes the 10th Conference of the Parties in Panama next week. 

    Lorenzo Mata Jr., president of Quit for Good, said the WHO should implement FCTC Article 1 (d) on harm reduction strategies to help smokers.  The treaty defines tobacco control as “a range of supply, demand and harm reduction strategies.” 

    “Offering safer nicotine products to millions of adult smokers who want to reduce their exposure to toxic substances from smoke is common sense. This is what tobacco harm reduction (THR) is all about, which the WHO FCTC refuses to implement despite being part of the global treaty,” Mata said.

    Representatives from countries that are signatories to the FCTC will meet in Panama for the 10th Conference of the Parties this year, after the meeting was canceled in November 2023, to tackle major topics such as how to treat “novel and emerging tobacco and nicotine products.”

    The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) said blocking the use of products that can help save smokers’ lives is against the mission of the FCTC—a global treaty endorsed by most countries. 

    “People who smoke should have the right to access less harmful alternatives to smoking, and the WHO FCTC should focus on helping them. We need a pragmatic campaign to reduce the harm caused by smoking, rather than a dogmatic, deceptive, ineffective campaign to compel abstinence,” CAPHRA executive coordinator Nancy Loucas said.

    Loucas said the annual reviews of the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, formerly Public Health England, have consistently shown that vaping carries a fraction of the risks of smoking. “Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence supporting vaping products as less harmful alternatives to smoking, the WHO has consistently disregarded the positive role that vaping can play in tobacco control,” she said.

    “It is time for the WHO FCTC and its member states to listen to the voice of the people that they are supposed to fight for and not against—the over 1 billion smokers whose lives are in danger if they continue to smoke,” she said.

    Loucas’ views were echoed by Jay Jazul, lead convener of the Harm Reduction Alliance of the Philippines (HARAP). “E-cigarettes do not threaten public health but provide smokers with an exit from smoking, which is the real problem,” he said. “The WHO’s failure to substantiate its claims against e-cigarettes and labeling these innovative products an emerging threat to public health is worrisome.”

    “The nicotine was not the problem, it was the delivery system that was the problem. We’ve known that for 50 years,” said David Sweanor of the University of Ottawa at a recent conference in Korea.

    “The best example of how products that don’t burn tobacco can benefit public health comes from Sweden, which has the lowest smoking prevalence among men in the European Union and consequently the lowest tobacco-related mortality,” said Lars M. Ramström, the principal investigator at the Institute for Tobacco Studies, which recently published a paper on the topic. Ramström served as a WHO expert and as secretary general of the 4th World Conference on Smoking and Health.

    “The meeting of the world’s health leaders in Panama, the COP10, represents a unique opportunity to take a fresh look at the most recent evidence with an open mind. After all, if Sweden had followed WHO’s advice from 20 years ago and banned snus, tobacco-related deaths in Sweden would have been much higher and the only unintended beneficiary profiting from such advice would be the cigarette industry,” said Ramström.

    In the runup to COP10, industry representatives have raised concerns about the exclusion of stakeholders from the discussions.