Zimbabwe’s Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board (TIMB) has joined GLOBALG.A.P. to help tobacco farmers diversify their operations, reports The Sunday Mail. As part of the government’s Tobacco Value Chain Transformation Plan, the agency aims to ensure that 30 percent of tobacco farmers’ income comes from alternative crops by 2025.
GLOBALG.A.P. is an international membership network designed to promote sustainable and safe agricultural practices across the food supply chain.
Members include producers, retailers, food service companies and other stakeholders who align with the organization’s vision of responsible farming. The community offers opportunities for members to collaborate on setting and refining standards for food safety, sustainability and animal welfare.
Through the GLOBALG.A.P. Academy, the TIMB has trained certified trainers to build farmers’ capacity in meeting international market standards.
Additionally, the TIMB now offers GLOBALG.A.P consultancy services to exporting farmers. The agency is also working to develop markets for alternative crops such as sweet potatoes and butternut.