Tanzania produced 125 million kg in 2023, up from 60 million kg in 2022, reports the Xinhua News Agency
Addressing the fifth general meeting of the Tobacco Cooperative Joint Enterprise in the Morogoro region, Stanley Mnozya, the director general of the Tanzania Tobacco Board, said his organization has taken measures to increase the production of the crop to 231 million kg in 2024.
The increase is in line with the objectives of Tanzania’s ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi, which wants the country to produce 250 million kg of tobacco by 2025.
Mnozya attributed this year’s increase in tobacco production to the emergence of new buyers on the markets. There are now 11 companies purchasing tobacco in Tanzania.
TCJE Chair Ntezilyo John said Tanzania tobacco cultivation is facing a number of challenges, including delayed payments and a lack of subsidized fertilizers.