The U.K. Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) has published a comprehensive “Greenprint for Sustainable Vaping” following an industry-wide consultation.
The development of a green action plan was developed with input from leading players in the waste industry, regulators, the retail sector, vape manufacturers and experts in consumer behavior. It comes as the industry has faced increased scrutiny regarding the environmental impact of vapes, particularly single-use products known as disposables.
“Whilst entry-level single-use devices are responsible for record numbers of adult smokers switching to vaping due [to] their ease of use and convenience, the industry realizes that much more must be done to safeguard against their impact on the environment,” said UKVIA CEO John Dunne. “The fact is that disposables have been around for a while but have become hugely popular in the last couple of years, particularly with those on low incomes who are amongst the most prevalent smokers.
“The Greenprint aims to mobilize environmental action to support a sustainable vaping sector in the future. It covers the development of recycling infrastructure, which is fit for the vaping industry, new vape innovations that make products more recyclable and reusable as well as the support that needs to be put in place to encourage greater retailer and consumer participation in the environmentally conscious disposal of vape products.”